Start Up

MLS holds a portfolio of startup investments and has been engaged in this activity since 2010
Start Up
Real Estate
MLS owns ample amout of office space in two of the luxurious and impressive skyscraper in Tel Aviv – Midtown Tel Aviv and BSR 2 Tower. The company have also extended its real estate investement to local resedential assets as well as commercial and resedential assets overseas.
The diversification of MLS’s activities led us to develop top notch in housefunctionalities:Sales andmarketing
Through direct sales, social media and PR activity we manage to push locally the interests and business of the companies we represent inIsrael.
Financing andaccounting
Dedicated financial team to allow maximum transparency for all your local financial affairs. You are granted with proven financial strength and stability for more than 50 years. We were accredited by D&B with their Premium Credibility Mark (See appendixA)
Spread countrywide, available 24/7 for anychallenge.
To explore new markets and new trades the companies we represent wish to introduce to themarket.
Registration and operation
Of branches for foreign companies launching their operation inIsrael